FotoStation Pro has been discontinued. Explore alternatives

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, FotoStation Pro for single users is discontinued.

However, FotoStation will remain a key product in the Fotoware product family.

Going forward, we will offer FotoStation Business – a bundle including 10 FotoStation licenses – as a subscription to be purchased on invoice.

When your subscription expires, upon opening the program you get a message saying “Your license has expired” and you will not be able to use your FotoStation installation.

Your subscription will end 12 months after your last renewal. 

FotoStation Business is a bundle including 10 FotoStation licenses available as a subscription to be purchased on invoice.

FotoStation will continue to be an offer to users needing FotoStation.

No, your images are located on your own server/computer, and the files will stay where you have saved them.

The metadata is embedded in your files, so you will keep the metadata if you move your files to another system.

If you need to export your metadata from FotoStation to a database, here is how: Export your metadata (FotoStation)

Your FotoStation license is valid for one person but activation on two (2) computers.

This means that you can, for instance, install it at home and on your office computer, as long as you are the only user.

No worries, if you forgot to activate (or didn’t get the chance), we can help.
Use the form below to reset your activation key. You can then use it again activate FotoStation on your new computer.

Go here to reset your license

If you buy a new computer and want to install and run FotoStation on that machine, you will first have to deactivate FotoStation on the old machine, and then activate your license on the new one. Follow the steps below to deactivate FotoStation on your old computer so that it can be installed and activated on the new one.

Before continuing, make sure that you have the FotoStation software at hand for installation on your new computer, and that you have the email with your product key. The product key is required to install and activate FotoStation on your new machine.

  • Deactivate FotoStation on your old computer. To do so, start FotoStation, then open the Help menu and choose Deactivate.
  • In the deactivation window, select your license and click on Next to continue to deactivate the software. FotoStation will exit when the deactivation is complete.
  • Install FotoStation on your new computer.
    When you start FotoStation on your new machine, you will be asked to activate your copy of FotoStation. Fill in the product key exactly as it appears on your license card, in the email you received or as it is listed in the license center (you can copy and paste the key for easy entry).
    A green checkmark will indicate that you have entered a valid product key

If you encounter problems when trying to activate FotoStation, the below instructions can help you troubleshoot the issue yourself before you contact support.

Problem: You have activated a license which isn’t valid for this version of FotoStation. Only licenses purchased on are valid.

Solution: The license key has already been activated on this machine, but it is not valid for running this version of FotoStation. This could happen because you’re trying to activate a FotoStation Pro key, while you are in fact running FotoStation 8.0. If you do have a key for FotoStation Pro, you need to download the correct version of FotoStation from the Customer Portal at

Problem: You get the following error message after activating a license: “The license key you are trying to activate is already activated on this computer”

The license has already been activated on this machine, but it not valid for running this version of FotoStation. Could it be that that you’re trying to activate a license for FotoStation Pro while you are in fact running FotoStation 8.0?

Problem: Activation fails with “Error 0/0”
This error code can also be manifested as 76/61026 or 21/126. The problem is local to the machine. This is an issue with the FLEXNet licensing service.

Solution for Windows:
• Go to the Control Panel and select “Services” – FLEXnet Licensing Service. If this service is not present then you need to run the FotoWare installer again. If the service is there and started, then proceed to the next point.
• Go to C:\ProgramData\FlexNet and delete the activation files “fotoware_006ef600_event” and “” (or similar). Do NOT delete anything else. Other products that use the same activation scheme also store files here – these must NOT be deleted. (If you cannot see the file, check the Windows folder settings and make sure that hidden files are being shown.)
• Try to activate your product key again: Hit Start | Run “fwappactwiz” and enter your activation code. Then try to restart the FotoWare application.

Solution for Mac:
• In the Finder, open the Go menu and choose Go to Folder
• Type in:
/Library/Preferences/FLEXnet Publisher/FLEXnet

then hit OK.
• Find two files that are named somewhat like this:
• Delete these files and try again to launch FotoStation and activate your product key.

Important: DO NOT delete any other files from this folder! Doing so can break the activation for other software products on your machine.

If your payment card has expired or is expiring soon, you need to update your payment card details in your FotoStation account in order for your FotoStation subscription to successfully renew.

To update your payment card details, follow these steps:

  1. Go to My Account > View Subscription page.
  2. Click View on the latest subscription order / pending subscription order.
  3. Click the Change Payment button.
  4. Enter the new payment details on the Checkout page.
  5. Submit the Checkout form and return to the My Account > View Subscription page.

If you would like to cancel your subscription, you must log in to the account you created when purchasing. Once you are logged in, click on the “My Subscription” tab.

There, you can click the “Cancel” button, which will stop your subscription from renewing on the renewal date.

You can reactivate your subscription at any time by logging back in to your account and clicking the “Reactivate” button from the “My Subscription” tab. 

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